Mzone Fleet Chat Box.
This chat box feature that is available on the application is used to maintain communication between the Driver and the Mzone UI Operator. This is vital function as the chats are stored safely and are able to be used for future references that may be needed for future references.
The feature can be used for the following scenarios listed below.
1.) This can be used to report incidents immediately that may occur to the operator, such as a minor accident.
2.) Reporting a fault with the vehicle.
3.) Reporting a delay on the delivery.
4.) Image/pictures can be sent as proof of delivery.
Below is an image of the chat box feature on Mzone UI.
The function that this feature that can be used as follows:
1.) Normal texting can be sent.
2.) Voice notes- (Note that on the Mzone UI in order to play the voice note, it will have to be downloaded and played with an application on your pc.)
3.) Able to send and receive images (Note that in order to view the image received the same applies as the voice note, download and open with an application to view the image.
4.) Multiple participants can be added/removed on each chat (This is done on the operator's side).
Below is an image of the Mzone Fleet application.
Below is an image of the Mzone Fleet Application for the chat feature.
The function that this feature that can be used as follows:
1.) Normal texting can be sent.
2.) Voice notes- Can be sent by the using icon fir voice recording.
3.) Able to send and receive images, by using the attachment icon (Note that the photo must be taking first using the phones camera and after attaching the image on the chat and sending it)
4.) Multiple participants can be added/removed on each chat (This is done on the operator's side)
5.) The application notifies when a message has been received.