Scope Mhub Diagnostic Utility Remote Connection.

Scope Mhub Diagnostic Utility Remote Connection.

Scope Mhub Diagnostic Utility Training.


1.1) Opening Mhub Diagnostic Utility application.....
1.2) Device Selection....
1.3) Remote connection settings....
1.4) Establish connection to the device.....
1.5) View read the configuration of the device....
1.6) Reading the configuration on the device....
1.7) Additional info on the Mhub Application tool.. 

Connecting to the device remotely: 

1. 1) First open your Mhub Diagnostic Utility tool application which will be in the following folders on your machine/PC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Scope technology\MHub Diagnostic Utility [BETA]\MHub Diagnostic Utility [BETA]

1.2.) Once the application is open, on the top left you have drop down list, select the device type that will be connecting to, As an example Mhub 828.

1.3) The select file> then communication this is the section where you will be selecting the type of connection being used to connect to the device, on this we will be connecting remotely to the device. 

1.4) The following must be selected in order to establish connection to the device which are highlighted in yellow:
>Select Support Tool Interface
>Insert the device ID that will be connected too.
>Use your username and Password that was created 
> Once all is completed, click on done.
>Once you have clicked on the Done the window will close and you will notice that on the top of the application you will see the device ID that was inserted and along stating not connected. To connect to the device you will require to click on connect.

>When the connection button is selected you will see that as per the screen shot below that on the right-hand corner of the application in green will appear in green showing the "connected" 

1.5) In order to view read the configuration of the device you will navigate the to the following:
>Select Mhub Configuration
The Mhub Configuration window will open, as per the screen shpt below. Note that the highlighted page, on the image will have to be selected in order for the rest of the tab functions to be visible and able to be used.

 Below you are able to see that rest of the functions are no longer Highlighted grey.

1.6) When reading the configuration on the device once it is connected to the Mhub Diagnostic Utility tool, on the function seen on the Mhub Configuration Window that is in blue "Read All" click on it and the command will be sent to start reading the complete config of the device. 

Once it starts reading you will notice a blue bar on the bottom of the configurator will start to move, note that to not close the application until the blue line has reached the other end of the window. See below of the screen shot when the configuration has been read completely.

1.7) . *NB* Never change the top color tabs on top of the configuration menu leave as is unless if instructed to.
>. Remember the following under Modem- MProfiler Communication stay the same:

· TCP IP PORT stay the same (52767), depending on the client's ports used e.g. for Latan clients they use port 236, 238 you will need to set the correct port for the device to connect.

· TCP Socket Login Timeout stays the same (120).

· MProfiler URL Timeout stays the same ( or (

        > Access Point Node/ APN: Generally, it’s always set on internet, you can search on google to find what APN for certain providers uses (E.G. Vodacom, MTN…).

>*NB* Never click on write tab Mhub Configuration program as it will default the device completely, advisable to make a backup of the of the settings and save in case its de-faulted.

>When changing or setting configuration on the Mhub device, always set the setting required and then write to the device and them read them to ensure that the changes were made.

>. Event Configuration setting: Has the following settings that are usually used to configures on the device. They are Periodic position, Polled Position and Recovery. Not that these setting can be set by selecting the option on the tick list listed for the following: Event Enabled, Event High Priority, include input/ output Status Information, Include Location Information (GPS). Then after selecting the list, below it has a drop-down list of Communication Policies ranging from 0 to 7. When selecting the e.g. 0 the number will change on the config screen. Not that the highest is 255 which means that it’s a high priority and monitors it continuously.

Firm Ware Updating/ checking versions: First before uploading/Updating the latest Firm Ware version you must make check the Mhub which version the device has and its as follows: Open Mhub testing, then click on firmware version read tab and the version will be displayed. Then when uploading the firmware open the folder where the new firm where is select and then download the version to the device, once the update is in progress it will display red blocks then followed green ones until its done completely green, once completed a message will be displayed informing the update is complete. Note that it must be monitored as the communication at times could drop and will have to reconnect it on the working comport (USB) and letting it finish updating. Once done the device will reboot automatically, double check that the firmware was uploaded correctly.

As per when updating remotely the device will have to be switched on for approximately for +- 15seconds then switch it off in order to upload update. 

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