Uploading units in bulk on MPROFILER.
1.) Step 1:
1.1) On MProfiler select Unit>Provisioning template>........
1.2) Once the Unit Provisioning template is open click on "Add Template".......
1.3) Another window will open "This is where you are able create the new template".......
1.4) Completion of template....
1.5) Saving created template....
2.) Step 2:
2.2) Setting provisioning details...........
Step 1.
1.1) On MProfiler select Unit>Provisioning template>
1.2) Once the Unit Provisioning template is open click on "Add Template"
1.3) Another window will open "This is where you are able create the new template".
1.4) Complete the template by leaving out the “ID” and the “Description” but completed from Gateway as you would normally configure an Mhub, note that on this template you are able to select the service provider from the drop-down list. Note to also select the exchange that the device will be pointing too)
1.5) Once the template has been completed click on commit.
Step 2
2.1) On the MProfiler Menu select the following: Select Unit>Provisioning
The following window will appear.
2.2) From the Drop-down list select the provisioning template that was created. Then followed by the pasting the unit ID’s that are being uploaded onto MProfiler and selecting the unit type option. Once all the above has been completed click on provision and the units will start to be added on MProfiler, you will notice that underneath you have a provisioning request table indicating the progress of the units being uploaded.
As an example, below.
Once the process of the units is completed it should display 100%.